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Glad you liked it, many thanks!

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Right or left isn’t the issue, if any politician from either side is a globalist, tyrannical agenda will roll out

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Democrats haven’t been Left for a long time.

They occupy the Centre and have been pushed Right for longer than most Americans have been alive.

This article would hit a lot harder if it admitted that because this would also show that the Democratic Party has also ceded the definition of Left to the Republicans. And in turn, allowed the Right to control their identity.

I would add to this list:

7. Firmly occupy the Center by admitting it then take back control of the definition of Left by centring the discourse on the political spectrum and where their policies reside on it.

This would bring back a sense of honesty and realism to the discourse, reestablishing trust in campaign talking points.

It would also give a chance to bring concepts like universal healthcare and luxury taxes into the discourse without explicitly supporting them.

It would allow them to admit their support for the financial status quo, a very right wing structure of undemocratic wealth extraction from the working class. They could admit their foreign policy is one of dominance, not freedom.

By making the political spectrum the point of debate instead of wedge issues along the spectrum, maybe the public could see what they have become, get a sense that the water they swim in has completely shifted.

It’s super helpful that they’ve finally shown how weird the right wing have become in order to be more Right than the status quo, but they also need to show that they are the defenders of that status quo and open up the vast territory of the Left of that status quo for discussion.

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